Upcoming Activities
Saturday April 5, Branch 60, 828 Legion Rd, Simcoe.
Meet at our branch, arrive by 8:30 AM, in full uniform with gauntlets and slings. We'll leave about 0900, and arrive around 1030. Parade marches off at 1230.
Remembrance Day Photos
Streetsville Branch 139 Colour Party
Burlington Fall Convention Parade
Burlington Fall Convention Parade
We are looking for volunteers
The Colour Party is a group of dedicated Legion members that proudly present the official colours (parade flags) at general meetings and parades. We also represent Branch 139 at official functions and Legion Conventions. We enjoy the comradeship and fun we have at these events.
The Colour Party is always looking for new members and prior experience is not required. Training will be provided to all interested members. The training consists of basic marching movements as defined in the Canadian Forces Manual of Drill and Ceremonial. Do not be intimidated by this, the moves are easy to learn, and we do hold practices. You will need a Legion uniform to be on parade with the colour party, but not to practice. You can always try us out and see what you think. There is no pressure to join.
Contact Chris Mulhall, our Branch Sergeant At Arms, for more information.
Email “sgt@streetsvillelegion.ca”.